Unleashing the Power of Your Website: Levelling Up In-Person Events for Small Businesses in the UK

Tom, TEA Websites

As a business owner, hosting successful in-person events is a crucial part of growing your brand and connecting with your target audience. To support this, your website serves as a powerful tool to market your events, build brand loyalty, and execute effective follow-up strategies. We'll explore the various ways you can leverage your website to maximise the success of your in-person events.

Table of Contents

Pre-Event Marketing Techniques: Creating that Buzz.

Before the big day arrives, it’s essential to generate excitement and ensure a good turnout. Your website plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Dedicated Event Landing Pages: Create dedicated landing pages on your website that provide comprehensive information about your upcoming events. Include event details, schedule, speaker profiles, and any unique selling points to entice potential attendees.
  • Social Media Integration: Integrate social media sharing buttons on your event pages, enabling visitors to easily spread the word across their networks. Encourage attendees to engage with your event by creating event-specific hashtags and social media contests.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Leverage your website’s mailing list to send targeted email campaigns to your subscribers. Craft compelling email content that highlights the benefits of attending your events and includes eye-catching visuals.
  • SEO Strategies: Implement search engine optimisation techniques to increase the visibility of your event pages. Optimise your website with relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to ensure your events appear in relevant search results.

Seamless Online Ticket Sales and Registration

Selling tickets or facilitating event registrations directly through your website streamlines the process for attendees and boosts conversions. But with options like Eventbrite, you may be thinking about why you should run ticket sales through your website. By using an embedded system (this could still be Eventbrite!) you still drive users to your website, where they may then look around and learn more about

  • Secure Payment Gateway: Set up a reliable and secure payment gateway on your website to process online ticket sales. Offer multiple payment options to cater to different preferences.
  • User-Friendly Registration Forms: Create intuitive and user-friendly event registration forms on your website. Keep them concise, collecting only essential information to minimise friction and increase completion rates.
  • Early Bird Discounts and Special Promotions: Encourage early registrations by offering enticing discounts or exclusive promotions. Highlight these offers prominently on your event pages to create a sense of urgency. You can then also offer exclusive discounts on your products if people signed up by a certain date.

Building Brand Loyalty through Event Content

Your website is an ideal platform to showcase the unique experiences and value your events provide. Cultivate brand loyalty by sharing compelling event-related content.

  • Blog Posts and Articles: Write engaging blog posts or articles that provide valuable insights, event previews, or recaps. Highlight key takeaways, share behind-the-scenes stories, or discuss topics relevant to your events.
  • Event Highlights and Testimonials: Share event highlights, including photos and videos, on your website. Feature testimonials or success stories from previous attendees, emphasizing the positive experiences and outcomes they gained.
  • Attendee Spotlights and Interactive Features: Give your attendees the spotlight by featuring their stories or achievements related to your events. Incorporate interactive elements like live polls, surveys, or Q&A sessions to foster engagement.

Encouraging Post-Event Engagement

Keeping the momentum going after your events is crucial for maintaining attendee engagement and nurturing long-term relationships, ultimately building brand loyalty. With a couple of options to leverage your website, you can implement an effective post-event follow-up plan. Some ways you can achieve this are:

  • Event Photo Galleries and Videos: Create dedicated photo galleries and videos showcasing the highlights of your events. Encourage attendees to relive their experiences and share these visuals on social media.
  • Attendee Reviews and Feedback: Provide a platform on your website for attendees to leave reviews and feedback. Display these testimonials prominently to instil confidence in potential future attendees.
  • Capturing Attendee Contact Information: Utilize sign-up forms or opt-ins on your website to capture attendee contact information. Build a mailing list specifically for event attendees, allowing you to send personalized post-event follow-up emails, newsletters, or exclusive offers.

Measuring Event Success and Website Analytics

To continually improve the impact of your website on event outcomes, it’s essential to track and analyse relevant data. Consider the following:

  • Website Analytics: Utilise tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement metrics specific to your event pages. Monitor key performance indicators to gauge the success of your marketing efforts.
  • Event-Specific Metrics: Set specific goals and metrics to measure the success of each event. Track registration numbers, ticket sales, social media engagement, and post-event conversion rates to identify areas for improvement.


Your website is a powerful asset in maximising the success of your in-person events. By implementing effective pre-event marketing techniques, providing seamless online ticket sales and registration, building brand loyalty through event content, encouraging post-event engagement, and leveraging website analytics, you can create a comprehensive strategy that drives event success, fosters brand loyalty, and ensures long-term growth for your small business. TEA Websites can support businesses create a website that helps support business growth. Through our Website Growth Plans, we can help create and plan ways to make sure your website works

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

About the author

Tom is the owner of TEA Websites and set it up in 2017 to help small businesses build their online presence. Now, he's changed the way businesses get their website, and is offering Website Subscriptions to offset the cost of a new website across two years. With everything you need as a small business to grow your online presence, Growth Subscriptions help you build your business.
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